Door: hans
Hi Anton, the unabashed scurrilousness is outrageous. We have to keep calling a spade a spade. The psychopaths who had this on their conscience and still always have not a single glance worthy of...
View ArticleDoor: Cees Mul
Outrageous, but maybe it's even worse than you think. The harmful effects of the AZ injections came to light relatively quickly. Soon after the 'clot shot' things went wrong. Or not if you were lucky....
View ArticleDoor: Willem
What also played a role at that time (February-March 21) was that people had no choice which vaccine they received. If you were on the roll for AstraZeneca, you got AstraZeneca or you had to wait until...
View ArticleDoor: Ward van Koperen
In antwoord op Willem, including the text of this article, also as a Dutch version. Unbelievable. And there's just research that states that Pfizer and Moderna injection didn't show increased...
View ArticleDoor: Anton Theunissen
In antwoord op Willem, including the text of this article, also as a Dutch version. Unbelievable. Can you explain to both Jip and Janneke how to increase and decrease INR at the same time? Could that...
View ArticleDoor: Harry
Hi Anton, very interesting, thanks! What is the source of that photo with "PGB group is still being pricked astra zenica"? Was that in an email?
View ArticleDoor: Anton Theunissen
In antwoord op Harry, including the text of this article, also as a Dutch version. Geen dank! Ja dat zijn e-mails uit de WOB-documenten. Onderaan het artikel staan hyperlinks naar die documenten, dat...
View ArticleDoor: Cees Mul
In antwoord op Willem, including the text of this article, also as a Dutch version. Interessante bijdrage, Willem. Gezien de aanhalingstekens en jouw commentaar was de aanbeveling niet geheel...
View ArticleDoor: Willem
In antwoord op Cees Mul, including the text of this article, also as a Dutch version. Diffuus intravasale stolling klinkt aannemelijk voor mij. Wat is diffuse intravasale stolling? Diffuse intravasale...
View ArticleDoor: Armin
Dit doet mij denken aan het “opprikken” van de BA.1 bivalente vaccins in najaar 2022. Voor diegene die de context missen: eind 2021 kwamen de Omicron tweelingen BA.1 en BA.2. Watveel mensen niet weten,...
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